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Dryland: Wildflower Mix

0 out of 5

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

SKU: WF118. Category: Flowers


Designed for dry or sandy areas with low rainfall. This mix will work for a wide range of altitudes up to about 9000 feet. Excellent for naturalizing difficult areas on south facing slopes, road cuts, or other dry problem areas. Once established these plants will grow and prosper for many years.
Annuals: Arroyo Lupine, rocky mountain beeplant, baby's breath, cowpen daisy, annial gaillardia, prairie aster, clasping coneflower, red flax, siberian wallflower, california poppy, baby blue eyes, painted daisy, calendula, dwarf cornflower, dame's rocket.
Perennials: blue flax, black eyed susan, prairie coneflower, mules ears, utah sweetvetch, arrowleaf balsamroot, perennial gaillardia, wasatch penstemon, rocky mounntain penstemon, purple prairie clover, silky prairie clover.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz

1 LB, 1 OZ, 1/4 LB, 3g

0 out of 5


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