Best mix to provide color in the first year. Native and non-native species grow and reproduce with little maintenance after initial preparations. Mix of 21 different mountain wildflowers adapted to a range of growing conditions for long lasting color and selected for non-invasive habits. ANNUALS: Blanketflower, Red Flax, Black Eyed Susan, Baby's Breath, Siberian Wallflower, California Poppy, Painted Daisy, Plains Coreopsis, Calendula, Dwarf Cornflower, Showy Goldeneye, Corn Poppy, Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Orange Mountain Daisy. BIENNIALS: Shasta Daisy, Dame's Rocket. PERENNIALS: Prarie Aster, Columbine, Lance-Leafed Coreopsis, Rocky Mountain Iris, Silky Lupine, Blue Flax, Prarie Coneflower, Mule Ears, Perennial Gaillardia, Fringed Sage, Rydberg's Penstemon, Wasatch Penstemon, Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Alpine Penstemon, Alpine Daisy, and Sulphur Flower.
Seeding rate: One packet sows 100 sq ft. 1 oz sows 400 sq ft.
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